Monster Children

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We Made A Podcast

In case you don’t know, Monster Children turned twenty years old this year.

We just released a gigantic and gorgeous double issue, lucky number seventy three, in celebration of the momentous occasion (which you should buy right here), and included within that issue, twenty interviews with our twenty favorite people. We have printed a lot of interviews over the years, but reading them is never quite as good as hearing them, so we took those twenty conversations and recorded them and mastered them and our editors made awkward introductions for them and we uploaded them to Spotify.

Introducing Analog To Digital: 20 Years of Culture and Change, (with special thanks to Pub Beer) a podcast that asks our closest friends to look back on the last twenty years of their lives, the world they live in, and the cultures they thrive in, telling us what has changed (technology), what has stayed the same (nothing), their biggest mistakes (there are a lot), and their biggest wins (sometimes literal wins).

You’re probably asking yourself, ‘Monster Children has friends?’ I know, it blows my mind, too. Believe it or not, our friends include talents like Spike Jonze, Lindsey Jordan, Stephanie Gilmore, Ishod Wair, Patrick O’Dell, Arin Lester, Austyn Gillette, and so many more. Hop to the podcast page to find out who else we’ve got.

Releasing three at a time, every Wednesday at 7AM Sydney time, lean in to our conversations and learn the answers to your burning questions. Why does Spike Jonze hate Roger Rabbit? Did Ishod Wair know he was destined for greatness as a little tot? Is Austyn Gillette trying to get back on Nike twenty years on? And will Steph Gilmore ever stop winning world championships (no, she won’t)? 

Analog To Digital: 20 Years of Culture and Change. You’re welcome.