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Adam Leng

Artist and generally stand-up guy, Adam Leng, is a young artist you should know.

Apart from being the handsomest, most tattooed Bright Young Things 2023 participant, Adam is a gifted painter and graphic artist. He possesses a near preternatural knack for composition and color, and we marvel at his ability to make much of simplicity. He’s a particularly difficult artist to write about, and that’s because it’s hard to peel apart what is already so simple and exposed, but also because of the intrinsically uncluttered but complicated nature of his design, so we quit. Just read his interview instead.

Who are you?

Adam Leng.

What do you do?

I'm a Visual Artist.

How long have you been doing that?

I've been making things for as long as I can remember but focused on painting for around two years or so now.

What is your favourite song right now and why?

‘Chance’ by Angel Olsen. Recently saw her play at nine lives and her set blew me away.

If you weren’t doing art, what would you be doing?

Probably still working at the library.

Some slang you catch yourself saying? (Ie. That slaps) 

DING DONG! (my partner and I got super into glow up lol)

What do you do outside of being an artist and how does that thing influence or affect your craft?

Surf and hang out with my family. Both make me feel grounded and present.

The best/worst thing about the art industry? 

Best thing is the number of cool friendships I've been able to make. I've met so many incredible and supportive people. Worst thing is some of the gatekeeping and weird social climbing i see go on.

 Something you’re most proud of? 

Starting a little family. Me and my partner have our first lil bub on the way!

Biggest lesson learned about your craft so far? 

Take a deposit for supplies and your time.

Something anyone can do today to make the world a better place? 

Just be aware of yourself and your place in the world and pay attention to people. No ones that evil when you really listen and hear someone out. Some people do suck but (laughs)>

What is the biggest challenge you’ve overcome so far in your industry?

My social anxiety. I'm a pretty introverted person so putting myself out there has been super daunting for me. 

What was surprisingly easy to do? 

Making solid connections with people. Like I said, I'm fairly introverted so at first meeting people whose work I really respected scared the hell out of me. But everyone has been insanely nice and supportive so that's been really cool.

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What advice might you give to you from five years ago? Ten years ago?

Be proud of who you are and stick to the things you enjoy. It's really intimidating taking an unconventional path in life, but it makes you really appreciate what's important when you back yourself and go for what you want. 

What is your hidden talent or thing you are good at that is completely unrelated to the thing we are interviewing you about?

I'm a pro whistler. Its my fallback.

Who do you think is doing it the best/coolest in your industry right now?

Way too many to name but a few local faves are @yukupin_, @thea__art, @blakepce, @Heathnock, @hannahlangeart, @tiarnaherczeg

How does your art help connect you with your culture? 

My art helps me unpack my place in the world and lets me feel close to the mob that came before me.

How does it make you feel seeing a final piece of work hung up on display in a place like Hake House

Seeing my work on display at Hake is always surreal. I work in my own little bubble and the pieces always remind me of a particular period in my life, so it's always special seeing a final body of work hanging on the walls for people to see. I respect and admire everyone involved in the gallery a lot, so it means a lot to see my work in such good company. 

Do you think art is political? 

I think art is always political whether it's trying to be or not. Whether you're painting something with a clear political message that's close to home or you got the mental space to paint a butterfly, it always reflects your space in society in some way or another.

What is your favourite medium to work with? 

Acrylic or oil on canvas.