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Lauren Massie

Lauren Massie has a way with grain.

The young New York City photographer has an ability to manipulate violence, sex, drugs, and rock and roll into a photographic stew that permeates authentic, unfiltered, ungentriefied cool. In a time when so much of supposed art is based on marketability, internet accessibility, and the commodification of societal edges, Massie takes photos of what he reckons is real for him, and in a way that is uncompromising, uncaring, and yet, tenderly intimate. A bit of a bastard, a bit of a charmer, Lauren’s a happy addition to our BYT family.

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Who are you?

Nobody particularly important.

What do you do?

I take pictures to cope with being alive.

How long have you been doing that?

For about four years.

What is your favorite song right now and why?

‘Berlin ’87’ by Sqürl. It sounds like chaos and confusion / a mind on the brink of falling apart.

If you weren’t doing photography, what would you be doing?

Slowly killing myself one way or another.

Some slang you catch yourself saying? (Ie. That slaps)

The phrase fuckin’ hell’ slips out of my mouth more often than I’d like to admit. I’ve never even been to the UK.

What do you do outside of your photography and how does that thing influence or affect your craft?

Pace around the house, chain smoke, take baths, listen to Ode To Quetzalcoatl a few times in a row, think too much, watch movies, try to sit still long enough to finish a book, etc etc. It all relates somehow.

The best/worst thing about the photography industry?

I’m really not a part of the ‘industry’ at all, so I’m probably the wrong person to ask.

Something you’re proud of?

Making the choice to stay alive during the times when the alternative has seemed much more appealing.

Something anyone can do today to make the world a better place?

Look someone in the eyes and acknowledge them. Tell your friends you love them. Life sucks more than it doesn’t for a lot of people. Everyone’s struggling. Try not to make it worse.

What has been the biggest inspiration/ thing that either propelled you to pursue what you do or has defined your style in doing it?

It almost always begins with music. Hearing an emotion I’m feeling in a song, and then trying to convey that feeling visually.

What life advice would you give to someone ten years younger than you?

Save as much money as you can before you have bills to pay, so that when the time comes you can get the fuck out of whatever shit hole you (and I) grew up in. Don’t ever try heroin.

What is the most you'd want out of this?

To make my mom proud.