Alex Vann

Photo: Clarissa Saucedo

We stumbled across Neue.FM in the throws of a midnight scroll and it immediately caught our attention.

Neue.FM is a community creation formed by Alex Vann actively exploring the intersection two of our favourite things - music and design. The song leads as the inspiration for Alex’s designs, much like music leads as the inspiration for a lot of things for us at Monster Children. Every week Alex uploads a song-inspired poster designed by him and leverages Neue.FM to host a playlist series where upcoming designers collaborate on playlists and highlight their own work. The community Alex has created is something so admirable and unique that we honestly wish we thought of it ourselves. More so, Alex’s designs are perfectly balanced as they are grungy and thought provoking. We take our design very seriously here, and Alex is a serious talent that we back.

Who are you?

Hi hello, I’m Alex. (aka Neue.FM)

What do you do?

I'm a graphic designer; I like making stuff on my computer.

How long have you been doing that?

As a full-time gig, I think seven years? But I’ve been designing stuff since like 2012.

Where is home for you?

Currently based in Austin, Texas but home definitely feels like San Diego; moved around a lot but spent most of my pre-teen/teen years in SoCal.

Photos: Clarissa Saucedo, Elizabeth Nelson.

If you weren’t designing, what would you be doing?

Probably working at a college in a student activities department. I actually studied Higher Education and Student Affairs in grad school. Shout out UConn.

What do you think about the current state of art and design, especially given AI?

I think it’s a fun time to be an artist/designer/creative; especially a designer because it feels like the line between ‘design’ and what people consider ‘art’ is getting more and more blurred.

As for AI; it has its evils but in the right hands can be a helpful tool for concepting and moodboarding. AI has such an ‘uncanny valley’ look to it though. I'm not really worried about it taking over visual art. At least in its current state.

What do you do outside of design and how does that thing influence or affect your craft?

I definitely go to a lot of shows. A lot of hardcore, hyperpop, and rap. Big into thrifting/antiquing too. Band/artist merch and vintage shirts/knick knacks for sure inspire a lot of my personal art direction.

The best/worst thing about design?

Ahhh that’s tough!

Best: being able to visually birth whatever ideas are in your head. Everyone's ideas are one-of-one and that’s dope; no one is gonna do it quite like you.

Worst: Scratch disk errors; traaaaash.

Something you’re most proud of?

There’s a project I’m over-the-moon about but I can’t talk about yet! Outside of that, I recently led the redesign of Shiner Bock, which is an iconic beer here in Texas!

Definitely a cool win. And on top of that, honestly I’m just geeked to be in the position I’m in. So stoked that I can make a living from being creative; beyond grateful.

Biggest lesson you’ve learnt in life so far?

Being yourself is gonna get you a lot farther in life than trying to be someone else.

Something anyone can do today to make the world a better place?

Make people feel included! Be curious about others and listen to their stories. Just be nice and show up for people the best you can, honestly. Kindness goes a long-ass way.

Being able to visually birth whatever ideas are in your head. Everyone’s ideas are one-of-one and that’s dope; no one is gonna do it quite like you.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve overcome so far in your industry?

Probably just breaking into the industry itself. It’s not the easiest thing in the world to get your work seen or to get a gig as a designer/creative at an agency; grateful to be in this position. Also shout out Bakery Agency here in Austin; that’s gang.

What is something people might not know about you?

I’m a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. Haven’t formally practiced in a while but like to think if I get in a fight that all my skills will come back to me immediately; on some muscle memory, sleeper-agent type shit.

Who do you think is doing it the best/coolest in your industry right now?

Huge fan of @foiegraphics, @poppygavin, and @rydeas; among SO many others. All of their work is unhinged in its own special way. I have so many online homies who are doing such cool stuff and I genuinely feel bad for not listing them all out right now; but they know who they are and they know they rock.

What do you think the biggest issue young people are facing today?

No swag; it’s crazyyyyy.

Outside of that, everyones pissed off; and rightfully so. Shit’s rough out here and the state of the world is a mess. I don’t have an easy solution, but all I can say is try and channel that energy into things that are healthy/productive and make a positive difference in your life and the lives of others. ‘Pack your fists full of hate, take a swing at the world.’

How long did it take you to find your style of design?

A while honestly; and it’s always evolving! Even if only by little micro-steps. I think I’d get bored if it didn’t. Who knows what I’ll be making in like two or three years.

With your designs we see on instagram - what comes first the design or the words?

It varies! Sometimes I see a photo that inspires a type of energy and then I find words to match it; other times I really like a lyric and I try to visually build around it.

Do you carry a notebook with you all the time?

I use my phone actually; I have a notes section where I put lyrics I wanna use at some point. But if I do have a design idea and my sketchbook is near me, I’ll draw the crudest sketch you’ve ever seen and then come back to it later on the computer.

What environments do you draw inspiration from?

Moshpits, dark rooms, dive bar bathrooms.


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