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Tobi Stanley

In order to get into Bright Young Things, you need to be bright, young, and a thing, and it doesn’t hurt to be very creative and a bit industrious. Tobi Stanley is all of those things.

The giant creative skateboarding-oriented brain behind Pearls, the West-Australian Tobi Stanley is quite an achiever. We love independent artists and we love skateboarding, and Pearls is the prefect blend of the two. We are also Australian, so there’s perhaps a slight bias toward Australians doing cool Australian things. That said, we reckon Pearls and Tobi Stanley could stack up to any of the big scary American mainstays in skateboarding if for their sheer willingness, determination, and passion. If nothing else, Tobi Stanley is palpably and impressively passionate, which makes them an easy person to get behind, and a no brainer for this year’s BYT.

Who are you?

Tobi Stanley. I grew up in regional WA where I started sewing during year eight. After high school I moved to Perth to study Fashion Design later on I moved to Melbourne where I studied Graphic Design. I've also been skateboarding for around ten years. My two passions would definitely be skateboarding and design.

What do you do?

I run a skateboarding brand called Pearls Skateboards, which is stocked in Australia, Japan and New Zealand.

How long have you been doing that?

I had been thinking about starting a skateboard brand for years but I never felt ready and I was scared of the commitment.  Pearls started in mid-2020, when COVID happened, there was no sight of traveling and I had a lot more spare time, it seemed like if I didn't start it at that point I never would.

What is your favourite song right now and why?

I have been really into ‘Harmony’ by Sean Nicholas Savage and ‘Bandido by Azucar Moreno - which is in the Aussie film Of An Age this year, great scene!

If you weren’t doing Pearls and skating, what would you be doing?

Probably travelling like everyone else aha. Or restoring an old country cottage - that's been a dream for a few years now.

Some slang you catch yourself saying? (Ie. That slaps)

Greasy mitts (dirty hands).

What do you do outside of skating and how does that thing influence or affect your craft?

I went pack rafting the other day, it's pretty bloody scary, especially if you don't know how to use your paddle to steer aha, I guess it helps with normalizing fear, rocks are pretty similar to cement. Also, I really enjoy going on 2-3 hour walks around some of the Melbourne gardens. Doing something menial rather than trying to sit down and be creative on the spot really helps with my ideas.

The best/worst thing about the skate industry? 

The best - the sense of community, you can go anywhere in the world, find some skaters and end up as friends. I have crashed on a lot of couches overseas with skateboarders I have only just met.

The worst -  those few toxic masculine guys, although I feel their numbers are diminishing

Something you’re most proud of? 

The Pearls team, so much talent, I wish I could commit to some of the tricks they have done.

Biggest lesson learned about your craft so far? 

If you have your own small business, work never ends, there is no clocking off, ever.

Something anyone can do today to make the world a better place? 

Do and give things to others and don't expect anything in return.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve overcome so far in your industry?

I think being considered a real part of the industry but I think a lot of that is in my head.

What was surprisingly easy to do? 

A shuv-it.

What advice might you give to you from five years ago? Ten years ago?

If you have a dream, start earlier. For a brand, don't wait for the perfect name, logo, accounting knowledge, business model, website etc. You'll never feel completely prepared, you have to dive in and learn as you go.

What is your hidden talent or thing you are good at that is completely unrelated to the thing we are interviewing you about?

Skipping, like a skipping rope, I got a few tricks aha.

Who do you think is doing it the best/coolest in your industry right now?

Hoddle - Killing it. Boards graphics, team, cut and sew designs - it's all beautiful.

What’s on the mood board for Pearls at the moment? 

I guess a lot of childish stuff like drawings, toys, anything in a kids room. Lately, I have been working on some graphics with ceramics made for children, I got a friend Liam Seear-Budd to airbrush images and then I have played around with them, you'll see the first design in the winter range coming up. I'm into some old man style knits for cut and sew looks.

What do you think of the chick skate scene in Australia?

I think the scene in Australia is really strong, especially with our population size. I think a lot of the international industry people are aware of the female/non binary scene here, which is a massive compliment.

What is your favourite trick?

At the moment, I am obsessed with learning pressure flips, so pretty.

Do you trip out when you see Pearls out in the wild?

I see a bit of the clothing which makes me super happy and I get super hyped when I see a kid with a Pearls board, there is such an appreciation in seeing a kid choosing your board to ride on.