Monster Children

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Hey I’m Meg. It’s actually Margaret but I’ve always gone by the nickname Meg 'cause my dad loved Meg Ryan. Much to his dismay I did not grow up to be a wealthy movie star living in a gold-plated mansion. But I do write for Monster Children out of my inner-west Sydney rental and what father wouldn’t be proud of that? When I’m not backing myself into corners and looking smug about it (see above) I’m spending time with words. Reading and writing (wow nerd!!) Anyway I love words. I love them as much as I hate remembering what they mean. I always forget. (What does ironic mean, again?) I have over 100 screenshots on my phone of words and their meanings courtesy of Google dictionary. My favourite lately is: loquacious. Meaning to talk a great deal, to ramble, to go on and on, to keep – hey are you with me still? It’s a fascinating word.

You know what else is fascinating? People who skateboard (well), surf (well) and people who make art and create music (subjectively well). It’s most fascinating to me 'cause I can’t do any of it. But boy do I love hearing about it. And writing about it. 'Cause when you meet someone that loves what they do and when that thing that they do is making or creating or doing and risking, and when that person is someone who’s dedicated their life and character and left shoe to do it, I think it’s only right to tell the whole world about it. With words. Oh my god are we back to that. We get it! I love words! Whatever, you can read my words and the words of cool people I’ve chatted to below. Thanks for reading. I love you. 


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